Doug Traylor, Leader, Key Note Speaker, Talk show guest on the Mike Koenig and The Bryan Tracy show, Life & Sales Trainer, Entreprenerd, Edutainer, Producer, #1 International Best Selling Author of the “Surrender To Win”. Doug’s book “Surrender To Win” focuses on 12 simple strategies to give and take action that will change your life but you first have to surrender and then commit. He is a strong believer in the Law of Attraction (what you think about you manifest).
Doug has also been seen on Fox News, CBS,NBC,ABC,and CoAuthor of Steve Jobs Best Selling book, ”Successonomics”.
Doug is also known as the “Ideas Guy” with 25 years of insurance industry knowledge whose goal is to create game changing, out of the box easy to understand products and processes that focuses on simplicity, that’s Advisors and clients can understand.
He is a financial product designer, distributor, marketer, collaborator and consultant. In addition to entrepreneurship, Doug is dedicated to education, writing and speaking on the topic of personal growth. Over the past twenty years Doug has worked with millionaires, billionaires, celebs, pro athletes, politicians, and professors. He has been endorsed by professional associations and contracted by top Banks to provide training and product to their financial advisors.
You can see him on stage during his Book and Speaking, BASEcamp events.